Superb as usual. The faces changes and the policies remain the same.

Also, I absolutely "woke up," while reading "Zen Economics." When is the next book, Rob?

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Thank you for the generous comment. I'm very happy that you got something from the book.

I'm currently working on a longer philosophical piece on issues raised in the book. Amazingly, even philosophers are stuck in ideological boxes that they need to be broken out of these days.

I will publish the paper here when I've finished it. I will send out a notice when it is up.

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hermano Rob,

thank you for this. Will be re-reading a little later. I wanted to add a comment which sorta dovetails with the 'hitler youth' response of the (mostly young) Harris supporters who magically appeared during the DNC........I can only think of Mexican slang words, nothing in English to describe a...debacle?

Oakland has a Black radical legacy/tradition that has partnered up nicely with Chicano/Indigenous/Asian movements . We've worked together for many years.

Almost universally we despise Harris. Her work as ADA here, DA across the bay and AG in California was well known and she segued seamlessly into genocide.

a few years back there was a teachers strike and closing of many Black/Brown schools here. We stood with the teachers/union folks/students/parents, protected their events, lent as much support as we could. in many cases put our bodies on the line.

so fast forward to present day. Most of those people we supported during the school issues never came around anymore. Maybe for an MLK march or something. Those I've kept in contact with, mainly thru social media are Hard Core Harris supporters. No concern with negativity like genocide.

Not sure why. It's not age, there's a spectrum with us and them that is very similar.

Thought I'd mention this. Again, I read what Greenwald wrote and agree, but what you wrote nails it. Love and Respect

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“It was decided that American workers would either be bond traders or fentanyl addicts. “ -Rob Urie

Incandescent insight that just can’t be found in the nearest curated, info-tainment junkyard !

-suerté, JJ ( olde Detroit near Canada )

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Thanks for the comment John. I spend most of my time in post-industrial America. I love the people and find it hard to believe that this much destruction has been accomplished this quickly without a major war. It takes real 'talent' from our leaders!

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You should be read more widely. Glad this was featured on nakedcapitalism. Originally found you on counterpunch, which I generally no longer check.

Wonderful summation of everything.

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Thanks for the comment CoryP. In addition to NakedCapitalism, Consortiumnews is quite good on the geopolitics front.

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