Note: The Problem With the Israel-Hamas Peace Deal is American Duplicity
Israel Controls US Foreign Policy? Really?
The ‘all bullshit, all of the time’ nature of the US in recent decades has made fools of most who take official pronouncements at face value. The current ‘Gaza peace’ negotiations provide the appearance of rational adults working through complicated political and logistical disputes. However, the facts of official lawlessness render any agreement subject to the whims of the leaders of the US and Israel. Dozens of UN resolutions condemning Israel’s (US) actions currently litter the area surrounding the current peace ‘process.’ Israel regularly ignores them all.
Source: from late 2024.
The measure of US - Israeli lawlessness was recently codified by the ICJ (International Court of Justice), with War Crimes (genocide) charges being filed against senior Israeli leaders. In a case of misplaced identity, the ICJ has condemned Israel under the theory that it is responsible for being a puppet of the US in carrying out genocide. In yet one more case of feigned powerlessness, the American puppeteer is nowhere to be found regarding criminal liability for the slaughters that its puppets so regularly undertake.
The actual deal, which as of this writing is being ‘renegotiated’ by Israeli War Criminals--- so-charged by the ICJ, appears to be limited to Gaza. But where does this leave the US – Israeli project of ‘Greater Israel’ (image above) that the Biden administration so willingly launched on October 7, 2023? Both Biden and Donald Trump are currently claiming resolution of the ‘Israel problem,’ whereas the pieces have been placed into position so as to make the US – Israeli genocide in Gaza yesterday’s news.
The volume of truckloads entering Gaza in the first five months of 2022, around 8,000 per month, was about 30% below the monthly average for the first half of 2007, before the blockade. Since then, the population has grown by more than 50%. Source:
With 2.2 million Palestinians still claimed to be living in Gaza, what is the likelihood that Gaza was destroyed so that it could be rebuilt for the benefit of the Palestinians living there? And why have Zionist shills been openly selling beach-front property in Gaza since October 7, 2023?
Most adults who aren’t psychopaths likely see the Gaza deal as better-than-nothing. But in the ‘be careful what you wish for’ category, the Israelis--- including current senior leaders in the Israeli government, have spent the last fifteen months declaring their intention to exterminate the Palestinian people. This is the government that is still in power in Israel.
It is both reasonable and understandable that Hamas would negotiate the best deal that it can get and abide by it. However, the US – Israeli Greater Israel project exists outside of Hamas’ immediate concerns. Lebanon has already been ‘softened up’ by the Americans and the Israelis. Iran has been effectively re-demonized inside the US. Syria was just ‘liberated’ by terrorists on the US terrorist watch list. Donald Trump now has a choice to either act according to statesman-like principles that he claims to understand or to channel Germany’s invasion of Poland that launched WWII.
To state this plainly: a real peace deal would be welcome news. Donald Trump could demonstrate himself to be a statesman in ways that would upend the seemingly unsolvable quagmire of US – Israeli politics. Not only would the immediate problem of the ongoing US genocide against brown ‘others’ be solved, but putting the kibosh on ‘Greater Israel’ fantasies would redirect US foreign policy away from like genocides for decades. But sincerity is a low probability sentiment in this circumstance.
Mr. Obama’s posturing as thoughtful outsider ignores decades of the U.S. acting in bad faith in concert with the Israeli government against the Palestinian people as Israel has pursued a strategy of ‘inevitability’ through expanded settlements and the systematic dispossession of the Palestinian people. Urie, 2014.
The hypothesis now making the rounds, that it was Trump’s ‘victory through strength’ threats that led to this deal being (not yet) inked, must get past the fact that at present, accommodations must be made in order to perpetuate the US – Israeli plan for Greater Israel. Trump’s choices include 1) making the deal real, meaning freeing Israel to feed and arm itself going forward (without US aid), 2) craft a false flag operation to garner US support for breaking the peace, or 3) pull a ‘Biden’ and go full-genocide as imperial prerogative.
Otherwise, the race is on between the departing Biden administration and the incoming Trump administration to claim a temporary and one-sided cessation of hostilities as a ‘Gaza peace deal.’ With the first estimate from The Lancet of 170,000 murdered Palestinians looking close to accurate (starting Palestinians in Gaza on October 7, 2023 less Palestinians in Gaza today = 160,000), the moral position of the Americans resembles that of the Germans circa 1945 as the liberation of Nazi Concentration Camps by the Russians revealed the extent of the Nazi crimes committed.
With future developments being passed along to the incoming Trump administration, the current posture regarding recent events is that the Israelis have been conducting a bit of genocidal housekeeping, the readying of beach-front property for ‘development’ to make the world safe for nuclear-armed, white, Westerners. In a shout out to philosopher Wilhelm Dilthey’s ‘telos of becoming,’ future interpretation will be a function of future developments. If the Greater Israel scheme is still in Trump’s plans, the US channeling Nazi Germany circa 1941 will be the historical analog.
Ongoing confusion over where Israel’s actions begin and US actions end has been carefully nurtured inside the US. Question: for how many years would the US allow the Russians and / or the Chinese to purchase US foreign policy from American politicians as AIPAC currently does? Granting the thrift and ingenuity that the Russians apply to their military production, they could certainly have precluded the US war in Ukraine by purchasing American politicians for less money than Russia spent on the weapons being used in the current war.
Under the current explanation of AIPAC’s control over US foreign policy, Israel buys US political outcomes via campaign contributions and primary tactics. Again, if Congress really is a coven of elected adults offering to exchange sexual favors for a few quid, why don’t the Russians and the Chinese avail themselves of the opportunity to buy US foreign policy? Or even more cleverly, if intelligence can be found anywhere in this scheme, why doesn’t Congress just start a global bidding war for who controls US foreign policy?
The point is that unless other nations--- including alleged enemies, are allowed to buy US foreign policy like Israel / AIPAC do, ‘the Israel lobby’ exists as a proxy for US foreign policy interests. Question: how would the US know its alleged enemies from its friends if the purchase of US foreign policy by foreign governments (AIPAC) determines the matter? And framed conversely, how is the public posture that Israel decides US foreign policy in the Middle East politically viable inside the US?
This latter claim must find its way past the fact that Israel is the only nation granted this privilege. In other words, alluding to a systemic flaw whereby foreign powers are allowed to purchase US foreign policy outcomes when only one nation has been granted this privilege (Israel), renders those so alluding either stupid or deceitful. Were it ‘systemic,’ the opportunity to buy US foreign policy would be universal. But it isn’t. In this way, the ‘Israel Lobby’ represents a tactic of feigned powerlessness from cynical cowards.
(None of this represents an attack on John Mearsheimer or his book. While I don’t agree with Mearsheimer regarding the Israel lobby, there is value in his work. He has been courageous in condemning the grotesque slaughters now underway. In this sense, he is a valuable and valued ally).
I’ve stayed away from direct political commentary since the 2024 election due to the absence of visibility around Donald Trump’s policies. This continues in this Note as a caveat. Trump is currently whispering sweet nothings to a population that is desperate for competent leadership. The view here is that either a comprehensive peace in both the Middle East and Ukraine will be forthcoming, or WWIII will. I had assumed in 2022 that this risk would force the Americans to behave towards Russia, a nuclear armed nation. To date I have been wrong. However, as the quote above suggests, over the longer term, I have been spot in.
I don’t doubt the influence of AIPAC on the US…but do you think in Israel the population believes Israel is similarly controlled by the US? Thus an apathetic “oh well, nothing we can do about it” citizen response in both countries.
Based on my read of US-led intelligence agencies, the aim is always counter-insurgency/counterrevolutionary and anti-communism.
So, the function of the narratives pushed (propaganda) is pacification of the citizens.
Isn’t war really just about what William I. Robinson calls the “transnational capitalist class” that is in command with the oligarchs and their political puppets?
Keep writing Roshi Urie.